EP168 - How to pot on chilli plants

EP168 - How to pot on chilli plants


 Hi everyone, Alan from Newlands Nursery.

Today I will be potting up chilli plants.

This is the ideal time to pot your chilli plants on. This is the case if you do not have any heated area, such as a greenhouse or conservatory.

This spring has been much colder than many of the recent springs, which is why we are potting them on a bit later than many years.

Remember, if can still get cold so keep an eye on the weather for any cold nights which may hurt your plants.



Potting Chilli Plants

1. Fill container with multipurpose compost, just shy of the top, tap it down.

2. Make a hole with your hand, pop out the plant gently, and place in, then gently tuck it in.  I didn't press it down, as we don't want to compact the compost. 

3. Water well and with the nice weather today, you can put it outside.  Keep an eye on the weather, especially if it drops below 14.

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