It's that time of year again! As the days slowly get longer and the weather begins to turn for the better, we're all itching to get back into the garden. And for chilli enthusiasts like myself, that means it's time to think about potting up our plug plants. If you've started from a plug plant, whether purchased or sown yourself, this guide will show you how to give your plants a bit more space as they start to grow.
When to Pot Your Chilli Plants Up
In the UK, it's still a bit cold to have your plants outside, but you can give them a head start. Potting plug plants on in late February and March will give the plants enough time to establish themselves, develop a good root system, and be more prepared for the summer.
What Pot Size?
As this is the first time these plants have been potted on, I would go for a pot around 9-12 cm in diameter. This is enough space for your plug plants to produce plenty of roots and not get overcrowded. You can go slightly bigger, but please do remember it is too cold to put the plants outside, so any pot you have will have to fit indoors. Another important tip is to make sure the pots have plenty of drainage. When the plants start growing and fruiting, they need plenty of water but do not like to sit wet. Drainage is the key to a healthy chilli plant.
What Compost Should I Use for Chilli Plants?
As mentioned before, drainage is key to a healthy plant. I use a general-purpose multi-purpose compost. This already has a nice amount of bark in the mix, which aids drainage. If your compost doesn't drain as well, you can always mix in some bark, perlite, or vermiculite to aid this.
How to Pot Chilli Plants On:
Prepare your pots: Fill your pot with the compost almost all the way to the top, leaving just a small gap. This will help with watering.
Gently remove your chilli plugs: Carefully remove the chilli plugs from the cell tray. The best way to do this is to gently squeeze the cell from underneath; this will release the roots from the side and allow the root ball to come away easily.
Plant your chilli plants: Make a hole in the compost a little bit larger than the root ball of the plug. Now place your plug in the hole. The top of the root ball should be level with the top of the compost. Now gently "tuck in" the plant, making sure not to compact the compost too much.
Water well: Now water the plants. We are looking to make sure moisture goes all the way through the compost. The best way to do this is to water for a few seconds, wait until this has soaked in, and repeat the process until water is coming out of the drainage holes.
Aftercare of Chilli Plants
Now you have potted up your chilli plants, place them in a warm spot that gets plenty of light. This can be a windowsill, heated greenhouse, or conservatory. As the weather gets warmer, your plants will grow away nicely, being an ideal size to plant out when the summer arrives.